Cobbler's pose is one of many yoga poses that can improve your sex life.
At first glance, there may not seem to be much of a connection between yoga and sex (unless we're talking about the tantric yoga that became associated with musician Sting). After all, yoga is about being calm and meditating, right? That's one aspect of it, but there are many different benefits to practicing yoga. It can also increase your flexibility -- just imagine how that can improve your sex life -- as well as give you more strength, energy and a better sense of balance.
Take at least a few introductory classes to be sure that you have good form before practicing on your own.
Here's a basic yoga position that can better your sex life by stretching your hip and groin muscles: cobbler's pose, also known as the bound angle or baddha konasana. If your hips are especially tight, sit on the edge of a rolled-up blanket prior to trying this pose. Sit with your legs straight out in front of you. Take a deep breath, then with an exhale, bend your knees, drop them out to your sides and pull your ankles in toward your pelvis in a comfortable position.
Press the outsides of your feet against the floor and hold each foot in its same-side hand. Sit up tall, imagining a straight line running from the top of your head down your spine to the floor. Try to press your thighs against the floor (don't force your knees down or you may hurt yourself). Hold cobbler's pose for a few minutes before taking another deep breath, then exhale as you straighten your legs.
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