Exercising together can enhance your sex life in more ways than one.
We all know that regular exercise has myriad health benefits. It can help you drop pounds or just keep your weight in a healthy range. Exercise can combat conditions like high blood pressure and reduce your risk of maladies such as Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. You'll have more energy and sleep better. It improves your mental health, too -- increasing your self-esteem, mood and combating depression.
But if none of those things are enough to move you off the couch, consider this: Regular exercise can also improve things in the bedroom. Obviously being fitter and healthier overall will go a long way, but specific types of exercises can also improve your strength, flexibility and stamina in bed. What more motivation do you need? So if you'd like to impress your partner the next time you're intimate, read on for 10 exercise tips for a better sex life. We'll even throw in a few basic steps to get you started.
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