Sunday, June 5, 2011

5: Maximize Your Gluteus

OK, you don't necessarily want to make your gluteal muscles (the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus) bigger. But making them stronger and better toned can only be a good thing. Not only can you improve the appearance of your backside, you can also improve your sex life. Those muscles help support, rotate and extend your trunk and hips. This means that during intercourse, they contribute to thrusting action.

Because we sit on our buttocks, the gluteal muscles aren't usually as toned as they could be. Luckily there are lots of exercises that target the area. One popular exercise for the butt is the squat, which will also strengthen your legs. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and squat down as if you're about to sit in an imaginary chair. Make sure you keep your knees over your toes. When you come back up, squeeze your butt. Try to build up to 20 repetitions. You can also increase the intensity by holding a dumbbell in each hand (start with 3- to 5-pound weights if you're not used to them) or by jumping up and landing in a squat.


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