You might live in a place where going to the gym is not possible or you simply don't like the gym environment and rather want to do bodybuilding at home.
We will in this article go through some exercises that you can use at home and if you follow them, will give you results that are worth showing off for.
There are several tools you can make use of when starting bodybuilding at home: A weight-belt, a pull up bar, a dip stand, a workout bench and some weights.
The Exercises
Exercise -1:
The first exercise is one you have probably done before. It is called push ups. There are a lot of ways you can do the push ups depending on what muscle group you want to target. The push up is great for your chest, your triceps and shoulders.
To challenge yourself, I recommend that you either make use of a weight belt, or put a weight plate on your back.
Exercise -2:
The second bodybuilding at home exercise is pull up. Pull up is a great core exercise for muscle building and can also be performed in a variety of ways, you can for example choose to do a wide grip or close grip. Pull up works on your back and biceps.
Exercise -3:
This bodybuilding at home exercise is the dip. You need two bars for each hand that you can push yourself up and down with. Remember to keep your elbows as close to your body as possible to really work on your triceps. If you want to work on your chest, slightly bend your back over a bit.
With both the pull up and dip you can use a weight belt for resistance.
Exercise -4:
If you want to work on your abs there are tons of ways to do this. You can do it on a yoga mat, on an abs bench or even the pull up bar, to name a few.
Exercise -5:
If you want to work on your below-waist area, you can use dumbbells to perform lunges or even squat. And if you want to be specific and work with calf muscles, you can put weight on your thighs while sitting down and pushing up with your toes.
Using a workout bench
If you have some dumbbells and a workout bench, there are several exercises you can do. If you want to work on your chest you can do the incline bench press or flat bench press or if you want to work on your biceps or triceps as an isolation exercise, then you can also use the dumbbells.
There are tons of ways to do bodybuilding at home and the above exercises are just some out of many. Get your hands on a muscle building program or something similar for bodybuilding at home and you will enjoy the results soon.
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