Most people bones, muscle and joint pain is the problem. If you want to save it to your family's daily diet must include adequate calcium-rich stuff. Not only the body, brain, its use is essential for correct functioning.
The nutrient composition of the human body is, it is the key ingredient calcium. Carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, since the amount of calcium is high. Calcium from the bones and teeth are found in 90 percent. Its mass is in our blood. Also Sserebrosphainal brain fluid secreted from the mammary glands and milk also contains calcium.
Calcium action
Calcium not only Ahdadyon are strong, but high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer risks also prevents. Muscles through the nervous system is instrumental in creating the dynamic. Dissolving certain amount of calcium in the blood cells need to be active every moment. Developing fetus during pregnancy bones of pregnant women should be consumed plenty of calcium-rich substances. Doctor them calcium intake should also pills. If the kids start getting adequate amounts of milk teeth and made her things should be. Tenecjrs them to the proper physical development requires more calcium.
Calcium in old age
By the age of 30 bones are fully developed but still has the body needs calcium. Women after the age of 40 comes Manopugj curve. This time 1500 mg daily calcium they need. The age loss of calcium from the bones become fragile and increases the risk of osteoporosis. So catering to your every day things must include adequate calcium content. Regular exercise will also prove beneficial for you.
Major source
Milk and things made him - like yogurt, cheese and plenty of cheese, etc.. Average in a glass of milk contains 300 mg calcium. White, like all fruits and vegetables - bananas, coconuts, custard apples, guavas, cabbage and radish etc. adequate calcium is found.
How To Drink
We take as much calcium through diet, only 30 percent of it reaches us through metabolism. The remaining calcium excretion from the body by the process exits. Our absorption of calcium and phosphorus and vitamin D for digestion is also required. Usually all calcium-rich foods are also found in the phosphorus. Therefore do not require separate phosphorus intake, but vitamin D is important for bones. The receipt must Spend some time each day in sunlight. Our everyday balanced and nutritious diet is to get adequate calcium from the body. So the calcium pills without doctor's advice not to abuse because it can be harmful to health.
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